Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jail Tale - Grace of Gurudev

Shashi Nowlakha
A graduate from Calcutta university, she is active in arranging cultural
events in Calcutta.

jail Tale
It is impossible to really know the Guru, but one can allow oneself to
be fully in His presence, or feel His true presence deep within oneself.
When I first met Gurudev, on the 2nd of January 1987, in Calcutta , I
was constantly try­ing to understand Him, who He was, and what He
was try­ing to teach. After three days I found myself totally
envel­oped in such an unconditional love that I had never before
experienced. It was very beautiful and extended into my ev­eryday
His love made me feel full of gratitude, and I realised that the Divine
could manifest in the form of the Guru.
Once, in August '95, my father, through a bizarre set of circumstances,
found himself in jail, a most ironical situ­ation for the whole
family, since we all knew him to be so strict and morally upright.
Knowing only Gurudev could solve my problem, I called him at the German
Ashram to tell Him all about what had happened. Before I could begin, He
said "Don't worry, I know everything. I am there with you."
When I visited my father, he said that the police had been treating him
very well. After a few days in jail, he began to feel that he was
surrounded by an aura. It was then that he discovered the Guru's
Presence. On his way back home, the only thing he could talk about was
knowledge. It reminded him of Krishna , who according to tradition, was
born in prison, where a tyrant was keeping His parents captive. Now my
father feels the Guru's Presence every moment.
Another instance of Gurudev's loving intervention was when my son,
Harsh, was two years old and suffered a severe epileptic attack. We
rushed him to the hospital. Then my husband suggested we talk with
Gurudev. When I spoke to Him, Gurudev recommended we take Harsh home.
With­out a With­out a second thought, with complete trust in Him, we took him
back. Today Harsh is six years old, and he has not had another attack.
Such is the grace of our Gurudev!

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